Sameeksha: Automate PowerCenter Code Review

Sameeksha: Automate PowerCenter Code Review

Posted by: Rishav Sharma

Automates the process of code review and generates a report in few seconds with detailed list of defects present in the PowerCenter mapping.


Time and again, PowerCenter users have to review their mappings for various reasons. The activity of reviewing PowerCenter code can consume a lot of time. Especially when a developer wants to verify each port in the mapping for the following:
  • Data types Mismatch.
  • Length mismatch to avoid data truncation.
  • Naming standards.
  • To ensure that all target ports are logically connected to correct sources.
"Sameeksha?, the code review tool automates the process of review and generates a report in a fraction of a second with a detailed list of defects present in the mapping. "Sameeksha" reduces the review effort of the developer (Unit Testing) and code reviewer (Peer Review) by 90% to 100% accuracy. Click on "Features" tab to learn what this tool can do for you. You can download this listing as part of the Debugging Tools bundle and also Informatica Tools bundle.


Automation of code review process. Removal of manual intervention for the code review process susceptible to human errors. Improvement and maintenance quality of the deliverables. Saving of lot of time and increase in productivity.


Comments (25) Comment can only be posted by Signed/Logged in user

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  • Hi Rishav, I have below queries on usage of this tool

    1. Is it compatible with Inforamtica 10.1 version?

    2. Is it only supported for PoweraCenter and not IDQ/BDM components developed using Developer tool? What can be done to extend the tool to support these components. 

    Many thanks!



  • Hi Rishav,After setting the JDK home path also, Software is not booting up. It says Initiliazing and closes it off.Need your help to resolve this ?ThanksNagaraj
  • Hi...This is really a flexible tool for the code review on mapping level....I am able to install it on windows 10 but unable to open the software.On opening the application, I see the splash screen after which the application exits. I tried running the application as an Admin and still the same issue ..... it is working on windows 7....I tried all the steps from the user guide but unable make it work on windows 10...can you please suggest me that how can i make it work for windows 10
  • Hi Rishav,For every xml file, I am unable to download excel file of results though i can see results in application screen.Error- Expoet Failed !!! form_2_19_Update_or_Insert. File with the same name may be openedAny suggestion please.
  • Hi Rishav, Is there any EULA/Terms of conditions for its use for commercial purpose?Emman.
  • I am unable to get the application to open.Java version is 8 and OS is Windows 7. I set the value of jdkhome in the file sameeksha.conf to " C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_111" I see the flash screen for a couple of seconds, but the application does not open.
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  • I am unable to open the software after installing it in Windows 8. On opening the application, I see the splash screen after which the application exits. I tried running the application as an Admin and still the same issue. Could anyone please help me with this.
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  • Hi Rishav,I was successful in downloading this tool on my laptop but it didnt start up.Can you please help me understand what could cause this? This is the first time i tried installing it on my laptop.Regards,Muthu
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  • Hi Rishav, Is Sameekhsa tool compatible with Power Center V9.6.1?
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  • I installed this on Windows 8 but when I lauch the tool it gives error:Cannot Find Java 1.6 or higher.But when I open a cmd and run java -version I get the below details.C:\Users\Nitin>java -versionjava version "1.6.0_12"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode)So i have 1.6 java which log I can check further for debugging.
  • Hi Rishav,Is the software supported for Windows 7 64 bit environment? I have installed the application and because of some strange reason, it is not starting up. Any help is appreciated.
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  • Does this software support Red Hat Linux Enviornment ???
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  • Hi ,i am able to check data type and Nameing standerds. Precision is not working for me even though precision miss match is there. Please help out on this. always it showing below message.ThanksAshok
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  • Very Good tool, it realy reduces the code review time, thanks Rishav Sharma
  • Hi Viral,Its checking standards only upto mapping level, I am not able to see any thing for Session level or Workflow level.
  • Hi,I am trying to use this tool for the first time.Can you please provide some user guide for this tool?Thanks,Bhagya
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  • Hi Rishav,Not able to use the tool as its not able to find mapping XML in folder. can you please tell me how to use this.ERROR:- M_XYZ XML is not a mapping.But i exported from designer.Thanks,Javed
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  • Rishav, Is there any user guide for the tool
  • Hi,I am not able to install this tool.Error:org.netbeans.installer.wizard.components.WizardAction$[2012-07-06 09:52:16.116]: Caused by: Unpack200 finished with error[2012-07-06 09:52:16.116]: Error code: -1[2012-07-06 09:52:16.116]: Stdout: Corrupted pack file: magic/ver = CAFED00D/160.1 should be CAFED00D/150.7Please help.Regards,Kishore
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  • HiOnce you download the latest version.Then please configure your update centre.Settings are.Go to: Tools->Plugins->Setting->AddSet name to SameekshaAnd URL to go to updates tab now, if you see new update than click update if not then click reload catalog, make sure you are connected to internet.Ignore the validation warning and continue.By this you will able to update to current version. let me know for other issues.
  • Hi! Thanks for the application, it is really a helpful tool!I just receive an email about the upgrade and downloaded it but I'm wondering if you could let us know what are the features this upgrade includse, please.Thanks!
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  • Hey Rishav,Tool really cool. Although as other suggested, it needs some tuning and more feature but really good to start with. However, I don't see plugin option which you have mentioned in walkthrough doc.
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  • Hi AbdulThanks for the feedback. I am working on next release.will add this to the next release which coming soon.RegardsRishav
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  • This is awesome. GUI is really nice, appreciate the effort. But there are some limitations. The source to target doesn't give clear picture how the columns are mapped. If the target is populated by some lookup columns, derived, or hard coded, then it will still show as if it's coming from source.If you can implement/correct that then this will be the everwaiting tool for ETL reviewer. Thanks.
  • Its checking standards only upto mapping level, I am not able to see any thing for Session level or Workflow level.
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