Datumize Data Collector 

Datumize Data Collector 

Posted by: Datumize

Datumize Data Collector (DDC) is a lightweight, high-performance, streaming enterprise data integration software focused on dark data collection from sophisticated sources such as network transactions (network sniffing), IoT data, mobility (Wi-Fi) and industrial data.


DDC allows companies to integrate dark data from various sources, such as in-transit network transactions, Internet of Things traffic, mobility (Wi-Fi) and industrial protocols, and enrich their customer, business and operational intelligence with the resulting new data insights.

Network traffic connectors use network sniffing and deep packet inspection techniques to capture live network traffic and crunch each supported protocol, such as HTTP, SOAP or even industrial OPC-DA. APIs and Sockets can be both polled or sniffed, supporting a number of protocols as well, and becoming very handy for IoT data. Wi-Fi and Mobility devices are usually polled using SNMP or RTLS APIs. DDC also supports a number of connectors that process captured data in real-time, at the edge, correlating and enriching individual events.

Once the DDC has captured and pre-processed the data on the edge, it streams valuable events in real-time into the Informatica Streaming and Ingestion solution. 


  • Modular: every functionality is a pluggable component.
  •  Non-intrusive: adaptive data gathering to access data sources either unobtrusively (network traffic sniffing) or in a polling fashion.
  •  Real-time: data is processed in streaming mode with minimal latency.
  • Remote Management: installation and upgrades automated with no downtimes.
  • Graphical Configuration Management: intuitive GUI for system configuration
  • Edge Computing Support: acquired data can be enhanced, filtered or joined with other sources prior to delivering it for further processing or storage.
  • Highly Scalable: designed with multithreading and concurrency for best performance in the most demanding environments, yet can also run on single-board computers.
  • Throughput of up to hundreds of millions of transactions per day.
  • Security and Privacy: data integration always happens within your premises to ensure security and privacy best practices and laws.


Runs on Linux or Windows, from Raspberry Pi to high-end multi-core cloud servers. Configuration via intuitive GUI. Automated deployment or manual installation for highly secure, disconnected environments. Fully programmable edge computing support via Python or Groovy. Integrated with INFA BDS, through Kafka and other systems. 


Datumize is a software vendor established in 2014 (Barcelona), working on data integration technology and developing innovative products that allow companies to enjoy new insights based on Dark Data. 

  • Calle Esteve Terradas, 1
    Office 203
    08860 Castelldefels
    Barcelona, Spain

